Gender Inclusive Pronouns
My preferred pronouns are "hesh" and "herm" My preferred honorific is "Myr"
I was frequently involved in God discussions in the early 60's and found the
effort of avoiding the Pronouns for God too much effort and found the
shock of using Hesh and Herm in reference to God a useful result in my
discussions. Typically it generated the assertion that God was male and
that the proper pronouns were He and His. This generally derailed the
discussion into a useful discussion of God's testosterone levels.
In response to the Feminist Movement's attempt to eliminate "men" as a gender inclusive reference to people I began using hesh and herm as a gender inclusive pronouns in much of my writing. When I discovered James Tiptree's "Myr" as a gender inclusive honorific I immediately adopted it. When I began to see "hesh" and "Myr" or "herm" in the popular literature
without explanation, (I admit to noticing each time) I quit linking to explanatory posts like this one except when it was obviously necessary.
I also eliminated gender specific pronouns from my vocabulary as a general pronoun and use "hesh" and "herm" as my pronouns of choice whether the gender of the referent is known or not. This is particularly useful in calling attention to gender specific terms like "Actor," Waitress," or "Chairman." Traditionalists be damned. They need their consciousness raised. If it jars their
reading or hearing of the term, they still need the consciousness raising. When referring to historical people I use standard pronouns as gender is usually significant.
I also use the terms when the referent is of known
gender but the gender is not relevant in context. Reference to the gender of the
author of a scientific paper with a pronoun was beat into my head by my first partner whose
papers in a male chauvinist academic profession were referred to as
"HER" papers as if they were therefore less important than "his" papers.
They in fact were less important than "his" papers, even though in
general they were significantly better. It is no accident that women
in science generally publish with initials only. If men are offended by being referred to with gender inclusive pronouns, too bad. They need to get used to it. Particularly the sexist males. They can be sure I intended to insult them with the gender inclusive pronoun.
I find the use of "they, their" somewhat offensive in referring to gender queer people, in particular when gender specific pronouns are used for others. I find the convention trend of using preferred pronoun ribbons more offensive. It seems that many people are flaunting their cis or trans preference. If only they their were offered it would be less offensive. Personally, I hand out and wear a "Myr - hesh herm" ribbon. If anyone asks my gender preference I politely respond "Unless you are hitting on me, it is none of your business."
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